Saturday, June 12, 2010

"Free Will"

This one probably belongs on my "Angels Dreams" page. Come to think of it go over there, and check it out. All sorts of theological mayhem there,...see the link on right.

Well, to today's sermon.

In Afghanistan just a few days ago a suicide bomber attacked a wedding party. There were 70 folks attending. 40 were killed. Men, and boys mostly. I don't know if it was a Gay wedding what with all the boys.

Though now that I think of it dancing lads are a normal part of social functions over there. I think PBS just did a homophobic muck raking special about that.

"Sydneyland" to PBS,...Fuck you to Hell.

'But I digress.

Anyhow this Heroic Fighter went, and blew up 40 people. They say he went to the party, mingled, ate, drank, laughed, then blew up forty human beings. From any western rationalist perspective this is beyond understanding.

The local heat say it wasn't a political hit, nor a rival religious one. It just happened. I mean the usual suspects all denied they had anything to do with it. So what the fuck?

I mean there ya are standing in the middle of all them body parts from ex-people. What can be said. How does a person do this. This or the official terrorist suicide hits that at least have 'some' political, historic, basis in cause, and effect.

This is like when that woman locked her kids in her car then pushed it into a lake. She almost got away with it by blaming a fictional Black guy. That or when politicians accept cash from big corporations knowing full well that it will cost lives down the road.

You know the drill.

So what's behind all this deranged mayhem. I think it's the Devil. "The Devil made me do it." See if it's the Devil we're all off that terribly sharp hook of personal, and dare I say it,...Moral Responsibility.

The Devil did it.

Oh what a paradise the world is. Completely guilt free. We're merely pawns in a great game between heartless Celestial Powers.

The Devil did it,..while da Lawd as usual looked on, and did nothing. Like some teenagers when arrested after committing murder say, "it ain't my fault. I had to shoot him,...he wouldn't give me the money"

That's an actual quote btw.

The Devil did it.

On the other hand if there ain't no Devil or Heavenly Civil War using us as pawns,...well. Then we have Free Will, and we're totally responsible for everything, I mean 'EVERYTHING' we do.

The whole shebang, feeding the hungry, and clothing the naked, and blowing up people at weddings.

Free Will is a Bleeping Bitch ain't it.

Stay Tuned.


Sion said...

RE: "Anyhow this Heroic Fighter went, and blew up 40 people. They say he went to the party, mingled, ate, drank, laughed, then blew up forty human beings. From any western rationalist perspective this is beyond understanding."

Look up the etymology of 'Judas Iscariot'.

Sion said...

The 'sicarii' were a cadre of Jewish assassins who specialised in attending feasts/functions/weddings/festivals, where they mingled with the crowd and subsequently drew out their daggers and hacked their hosts to death. Not so much out of political motivation as a personal religious fervour.

This kind of violence seems to be rooted in the religious sensibility of Judaism and Islam.

Please note: I am not making any statements about the Jewish race or Arab/semitic races. This is not a matter of genes; it is a question of culture - and specifically of religious culture.

It adds a significant perspective to the story of the Last Supper...