Friday, June 18, 2010

"I'm Off to the Beach"

I'm off to Coney Island tomorrow with old pals. The Mermaid Parade, and the new Luna Park awaits. As I mention below somewhere I want to do things in my life that I never got around to before.

In this case ride the Cyclone, the Wonder Wheel, and the Luna Park 100 feet in the air hanging from a thin wire ride. Some maniac just invented it so I don't know it's name, but I'm hankering to ride it.

I intend to eat dangerously too. As our dear pal Sion sez it's okay to suck down gobbs of greasy snacks when out with friends.

Just don't do it everyday.

So yeah I seriously need some R&R. You can tell from most of my posts. They've been on the grim side of depressing for months. So I'm gonna try chilling more often, and see what happens.

The photos above are from several years ago. I'll take new one on Saturday, and post them during the next week.

Maybe I'll see you there!

Btw, I never been in a submarine before. I need to climb into one'a them! It's on my list of bases to touch.

They've got a decommissioned sub over at the Air, and Space Museum at the 46th Street pier on the Westside. (...that, and frigg'n aircraft carrier!)

What with my unexpected weight loss I figure I can fit down the sub's narrow hatch now.

Stay Tuned.

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