Thursday, September 10, 2009

"Still a Fucking Hole in the Ground"

Still nothing at Ground Zero, but a bleeping hole in the ground. Well okay sometimes it's filled with polluted rain water, and sewage, but basically there's nothing there.

What is it now eight, nine years? Ya know they built the Empire State Building in a year. The frigg'n Pentagon in eighteen months. That current tallest building in the world in China somewhere took just about as long.

However we're so fucked up, corrupt, and stupid that we can't throw up a half decent cracker box in a decade.

You long time fans may have noted I didn't bother doing my annual summer report from the pit. What's the point. It's exactly the same as it was last year.

Well okay they did start a little something last spring, but that stopped.

They ran out of dough.

So even that little bit is now starting the rust like everything else down there.

Kind'a embarrassing ain't it.


This just in!

I just read they 'may' restart serious construction next year. Well ain't that swell. At this rate them new towers may be up sometime around 2050 or so.

I can hardly wait.

(Artist impression of the new design for the Freedom Tower.) on image to enjoy!


Uncle Sydney 2012 said...

Okay, full disclosure. The picture is from 2005. However it's mostly the same.

Still a hole, and as of tonight it's full of rain, and sewage again, stinks in the summer btw.

Yeah we're real proud.

Anonymous said...

I hope it stays a hole in the ground. In fact, I wouldn't care if many of the cities became holes in the ground. Actually we need them like we need a hole in our heads.

Uncle Sydney 2012 said...

Well looks like you'll get your wish.

Actually I hope they 'do' give up on this pointless bleep, and just go away.

A park would be nice there.

Fill the damned thing up, and make a park with a plaque, and leave it at that.

Zaek said...

Yep, that Mordor tower fittingly embodies the freedoms we've enjoyed since 9-11.

A memorial park would be good: simple, tasteful, and relatively inexpensive. Leaving a hole in the ground for nine years seems inauspiciously symbolic. As you said, it suggests we're too stupid and corrupt to get it together to build something there.

Maybe grandiose architectural statements aren't really suited to the site's history anyway. Remember the brouhaha a few years ago about the architect selected to do the design for a stunning new skyscraper? It was big news at the time. He must be wondering where his commission went.

Of course with two wars to fund and after giving of 1.5 trillion dollars to crooked bankers the money may simply not be there. This is not the America of the mid-20th Century. Things are never going to be like that again, not in our lifetimes nor in anyone else's either.