Wednesday, September 5, 2007

"Batty,& Spawn"

Okay so ya can see my finger there. Gimme a break I was tired, and 'sides I'm just getting the hang of this thing. Btw next time I'll add music to the Japanese stuff. I just wanted to see how they'd scanned this time 'round. Not too bad.

Give me a few months at this maybe I'll get interesting. I'm designing a little video/photo studio for my toys, and dolls so I can do it right. Better lighting, braces, a mini stage, and theater front. All that cute jazz.

Hey it beats just sitting here waiting for that dirty bomb to go off downtown. Also like I sez I really likes doing all this stuff. Thanks Blogspot for a change you did something cool.

Ha! Watch them delete my butt again if I do another Astro Boy gay orgy scene again!

Stay Tuned.

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