Greetings! It's come to the attention of the Peoples New Sydneyland Central Committee that some comrades have had difficulty tuning in to our Glorious Blog.
How say you. Lets have a head count.
Can you hear me now.
At the moment we seem to have comrades viewing in India, Brazil, and the Ukraine. Perhaps they're blocking us in the Gringo Republic of Arizona, and perhaps the Jesusland States.
Stay Tuned.
Off again on again here in NH.
Was dead with the same screen that shows for killed sites, but comes up fine now.
Maybe they're just bleeping with us. Still, very happy you're there!
I haven't had any problems getting to your blog.
Here in grand and glorious capital of Soviet of New Hampshire we are reading you loud and clear.
For the people!!!!
Chipsky Wilferedovich
Commisar for people's collective
Reception loud & clear in The English Channel.
Yep reading you guys five by five.
Remember keep extra batteries handy as well as a change of underwear, a box supper, and a leaflet saying in 36 languages that you surrender, and...
"For Christs sakes don't Shoot I just work here!"
Do the above you you should be just fine.
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