Friday, February 11, 2011

"Gals from Hell"

I was hanging out with my pals at the Vicarage. This after my further oral surgery, and massive drug intake afterward. Legal meds! Anyway I was too blitzed to travel so there I was.

However while there Nurse Pickles, the good Rt. Rev., and I had loads of fun watching local Roller Derby action on the tele-viewer. I'm a fan of the Brooklyn Bomb Shells!

What'a swell bunch'a gals, and you'll note I haven't inferred they was all Dykes. Aw my dear sistahs Lesbos. Carmen Monoxide, Bee'zerk, Bitch Cassidy, Beatrix Slaughter, and Luna Impact. Swell comrades all!

Well okay I don't know their personal habits, I'm just being stereotypically incorrect.

Anyway I loves the Bombers.

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