Monday, November 26, 2007

"The Bastard makes Sense"


Bobby D. said...

Hi Sydney,

I've been catching up on all of your posts--LOved "Barbie in Hell" and all the toy stuff. Thank you for the Cat Video! Jury Duty turned out to be rough--one of the other jurors was always hitting me up for cash and/or food at lunchtime and a few others were annoying, crazy or smelly in a very bad way.
Now I am back thank Goodness, and can do something important, like blog, rather than sit on that particular jury.

Uncle Sydney 2012 said...

Yuck,...sorry about your jury adventures. I have one coming up again I think. Anyway I know I'm due. It's always creepy.

One wants to be friendly, but some of our comrads out there that we meet while doing our duty are a trip.

I remember maybe 10 years ago we had an actual disturbed person. Taking to people that weren't there the works.

He was eventually excused. Before he got a case thank gawd. Certainly I have sympathy for loonies, just read my stuff, but I've rather not have them as the only thing between me, and Attica.

Anyhow welcome back, and thanks for visiting my light ship.