You may notice that I express things in extremes. Heaven, Hell, and not much in between. If you read my stories, and rants here or on my Inkplum page that seems to be the situation. A friend just asked me about that, and all I could say was environment.
I was raised by apocalyptic nuns, and old school authoritarian parents, and grandparents. There was good, and evil,...Period. All those that didn't believe this were savages. From what I've seen of the world I think them nuns, and my folks may have been on to something.
Mind you that same sort of thinking led to the bloody mayhem of the Christian Crusades, and today's Islamic equivalent. I was here for 9/11 so I get the point. Anyway this perhaps explains my toy soldiers being in the same box as my Angels, and faeries. I suggest you read my story "Head Man" I think it's in my July posts. It sums up my view of things pretty good.
Stay Tuned.
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