Thursday, April 3, 2008

"Sprung Spring!"

I couldn't sleep so put on my shoes,, and pants too. Well all that'n I jammed my hat on my hedd, and took a quick trip to the Botanical Garden. I'm very lucky to have Prospect Park, and the Gardens so close. It's another world even in winter/spring or whatever we're passing through just now.

Spring btw is doing it's damndest to break through. The winds were cold, but the sun was warm. So I alternatlely sweated, and froze during my sleep deprived adventures. There were eactly three,..not four as the Garden website sez. Three cherry trees have awakened so far.

Last year it was spooky. most of them started blooming in feburary because of the very warm winter. This year we seemed to be on shedule,...even though it only snow twice. It's just not right. It should snow everyday or almost everyday in winter.

Anyway I spent most of yesterday morning hanging out near the one 'really' blooming tree,..above, taking snaps of it. I was the only one there. Everybody else was either at class or work. Not even the unemployed had arrived yet. I had the whole damned Garden to myself....Mine! All Mine! MURRUUHAHAHAHAHA!!!!


(Click on the pix's to get a face full! They ain't blurred this time for a change. Umm, the video's are kind'a fucked up. The sun was really bright. Hey whaddaya' want I gots a lowend crappy camera, but watch'em anyway.)

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