Longtime Democratic incumbent Nita Lowey's Republican challenger this fall is a Christian conservative author, and activist whose writings have frowned on inter-racial marriage, touted the benefits of studies linking race to IQ and said parents need to teach their kids "appropriate ethnic boundaries" for marriage and socializing.
Jim Russell, who's challenging Lowey in a repeat after trying to take her on in 2008, made the statements in an essay called "The Western Contribution to World History," which was published in a 2001 - 2002 edition of the Occidental Quarterly, and had also been featured on infamous former politician and Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke's website.
In the essay, Russell also praised T.S. Eliot and psychology professor Kevin MacDonald for looking to limit the proliferation of Jews. MacDonald, who's served on the advisory board of the Occidental Quarterly, has been criticized as an anti-Semite who's pushed the theory that Jews are essentially practicing group-think to outperform non-Jews.

The more notable passages from the essay include:
* “(T.S.) Eliot described some conditions for an optimal society: ‘The population should be homogeneous. . . . What is still more important is unity of religious background; and reasons of race and culture combine to make any large number of free-thinking Jews undesirable.
"There must be a proper balance between urban and rural, industrial and agricultural development. And a spirit of excessive tolerance is to be deprecated."
“While liberals and universalists constantly yammer about “bringing us all together”, and how “diversity is our strength,” it may be suggested that the biological function of human language and culture is just the opposite, that is, to keep discrete groups apart.”
"The current of misdirected altruism that permeates contemporary Western society is dangerous when it is divorced from biological reality."
(Article stolen from Politico.)

("The Good Old Days.)
The both interesting, and scary reality of these xenophobic times is that it brings all sorts of ugly truths to the surface.
Seems there are 'still' plenty of Americans that long for the good old days when darkies knew their place,..and 'stayed' there. Jews watched their 'every' step, and the white man was king.
I'm sort of describing pre-WW2 America in this. There's a longing among many, more than we thought, for this "happy" bygone era, and a wish to bring back as much of it as possible. I'm curious to see how this latest cycle of nativism will play out.
Watch ya backs comrades.
Stay Tuned.
Thanks for posting the Nazi-era poster 'ENTARTETE MUSIK' - 'Degenerate Music'.
The music that the speaker announced in the poster, Dr Sigler, had in mind was clearly jazz.
Jazz, which emerged from the degenerate negro race in the degenerate Jew-dominated society of the USA...
So the sax player (the sax is a degenerate instrument because it was not part of the traditional classical orchestra...) is a black-and-white minstrel with thick lips (which indicate sensuousness) and he wears a star-of-David badge (which indicates he is in the pay of the World Jewish Conspiracy).
I have heard jazz condemned by some modern, liberal Germans (and non-Germans) on similar grounds - that it emerges not from the spirit, but from the libido (somewhere beneath the hips...).
The musical 'experts' who condemn jazz have one thing in common apart from their total ignorance of jazz: a peculiar fear.
What is this fear? Why are they threatened with 'degeneracy'? What, really, are they afraid of?
Re: '“While liberals and universalists constantly yammer about “bringing us all together”, and how “diversity is our strength,” it may be suggested that the biological function of human language and culture is just the opposite, that is, to keep discrete groups apart.”
"The current of misdirected altruism that permeates contemporary Western society is dangerous when it is divorced from biological reality." '
- This is remarkable stuff. One hasn't heard or read nonsense like this since the 1930's!
'Biological reality'...Mmmm....So, if I understand correctly, human biology has evolved language and culture in order to keep the races apart...
Might one ask why?
Racism for people like the writer of the 'Politico' article is clearly essentially a mystical-religious concept - but they search desperately for a 'scientific' or 'biological' foundation for it in order to give it credibility.
What is really at stake here? Is it really just a hankering for the 'good old days' of white supremacy? Is there not some far deeper insecurity, some deep nagging fear?
If only these people could honestly ask themselves WHY they believe what they do (not the reasons/justifications they give for their beliefs, which are post hoc inventions to give their beliefs credibility: I mean the underlying motives for CHOOSING to believe as they do) - then the world would, I suppose, be a different place.
But I guess it won't happen.
Actually, the saxophone emerged from somewhere far lower and more degenerate: BELGIUM.
One commonly hears the observation in this corner of the world that it took a Belgian to invent the saxophone, and American Negroes to figure out what to do with it.
Belgium degenerate?
They make damned good chocolates...
I was being ironic.
I am well aware of Belgian chocolates; in fact, my vision of heaven is something like the Leonidas emporium on De Keyserlei in Antwerp and an inexhaustible budget. But you will have to admit, pigging out on Belgian bonbons is a bit degenerate.
So, of course, was the Congo Free State.
On the other hand, the Belgians are providing the world with an instructive example today: they have spent most of the past three years without an functioning Cabinet, and are getting along quite well, thank you. Perhaps other Europeans (and North Americans) might take a hint and begin voting "none of the above" in the future?
Vote for Nobody!
"Because Nobody Loves You When You're Down, and Out."
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