In the past 18 months or so the Barbie Corporation found out that there were more than just White folks in the U.S.,..or U.K. for that matter. Imagine that. Where the heck did all them Colored folks come from?!
Eh, it's a long story, but suffice to say we're here, and like to play with dolls like everybody else.
This being the case Barbie has thrown itself into the racial wood-chipper to make a few bucks,..'more' than a few as it turns out.
So far they're doing it right. That is they're not just tinting white Barbie brown, and calling it a day.
These guys are doing a serious factory retooling, and grinding out Kinky headed, Thick Lipped, Sistahs like I see everyday on the block,...and about frigging time too.
I loves'em!
Btw, some of you locals may remember another "Black Barbie" on Brooklyn Cable Access TV,.."BCAT". A show woman named "Black Barbie" had a public access tv show in which she gave Bush the business, as well as telling stories about the sexual habits of local politicians.
Barbie was a,..ahem, Sex Worker, and knew what she was talking about,..the gal was hilarious! Youngsters would sometimes call in live trying to be sexy wise guys, but she always put them in their place.
"Respect Women ya little shits!"
She'd then lecture them on safe sex, and personal hygiene. Two things she said that boys seem "particularly ignorant" about.
Naturally they eventually canceled her show.
Hummm 'might' have had something to do with her outing a certain District Attorney as call girl, and Lap Dance Bar fan.
To my knowledge Barbie Corp. has no plans to issue the likeness of our hero,..but I'm hopeful.
Stay Tuned.
Seems they're slow learners. You'd think they'd have figured out a while ago there was an untapped market.
I like the sound of that TV show. Every urban area should have some like it.
I was thinking of doing a program over there myself. ...but I'm too damned lazy.
Besides radio is easier, don't have to shave.
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